Saturday, September 6, 2008

Love and Musings

Yesterday was probably one of my most interesting days. Coincidence, I think, but interesting certainly. At least in matters of the heart. It's a long story, but I'll keep it short.

I've been booted by the girl I love, and the girl who loves me I've booted. All in the same evening. Interesting. Let me tell you the story.

I'm slow in matters of the heart. Mainly because I stayed alone for so long I began to feel comfortable with myself. However for quite a number of years somebody has been in love with me, and at one time I was completely in love with her. This changed drastically when I met somebody else who was so much what I really wanted. And perhaps a bit too much like me. It took me time and a small break from the old relationship to realise that I've fallen. Yesterday I decided to make the break permanent. Before I could do that the person I'm thinking of being with boots me. That should have made me pause about the other relationship, right? Wrong. I still went ahead and made a permanent break with the other relationship. Stupid of me, yes I agree. I still think it was right though.

You must understand, I'm honest with myself, if not with others. I cannot live and tell myself a lie. Again the other girl is in love. She loves me. And she really is a very nice girl, quite unlike the bad me. Faithful, honest, loving and steadfast. Everything a man would want for a wife. I wouldn't be honest with myself if I continued a relationship based on the fact that she loves me. It wouldn't really be fair to her.

So here am I at a crossroad. Somebody who loves me and wants me back, and somebody I love who doesn't want me back. Looks like I am human after all...

1 comment:

S said...

kelizThat's rough!